User experience
User Interface
Art direction
Web design
App design
Design system
Market research
Competitor analysis
Customer journey mapping
Logo design
Brand identity
3D & Illustration
We've finally completed the rebranding and redesign (Government portal Mobile & Web) of the main government services platform in the (NDA). We did research of the most popular user issues, conducted an analysis of how the platform works in general, what technical innovations the team works with and how we can improve it for users at the moment.
We tried to understand who our main costumers are and what services they use most often. And also what we can do for them to save their time and nerves. Tried to make the services as simple as possible so that people could do everything themselves using the Government app. And to try to understand why people go to offline offices, we conducted interviews with customers offline (our goal was to make it less twice).
After all sections of the research, we got: people love to use search bar; more than 50% of issues are related to ux/ui; copyright is unclear; people want to have personalized services on the home screen; they want to receive information systematically on their own in the customer support service; the platform should collect all feedback after the user tries to get a service; We should make a clear notification center; and actively make marketing posts to promote the features.
In the end, our recommendations were: improve the processes to develop a better government platform; simplify login with QR; all personal documents of users should be accessible more easily; make the names of services clear and provide a list of personal services; make the customer center more readable with full content and instructions; make the notification center actual to keep users updated; educate people through marketing activities.
We are grateful to the (NDA) teams. It was a productive three-month work of the best designers of our studio.